Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blog Contest Update....

I previously announced a contest on my blog.
The info on the CONTEST is here!!
(you know...the rules and stuff...)

So, I can't tell you what number we are on....but I can tell you that I am fairly certain it should happen this week!!!!!

Someone will win some cool stuff....


Anonymous said...

My life is too funny to make this stuff up. I hope I win the prize. What else is going right in my life?! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl....just wanted you to know I had to delete our interview questions from my blog. Apparently the word "panty" draws some pretty nasty people into the blog world. I was sickened by a refering URL poop

So I deleted it. I knew you would understand and just wanted to let you know why its gone!

Tam said...

OKAY if CAT Does not win and I DO I forfeit to HER ROX. OKAY>>> I want her to win also.

Tam said...
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Tam said...

ok my goal for the week is to help CAT win the contest...Cat are you up for that? Hey this could be the highlight of the week for me.

Tam said...

R...we went to your favorite beach today...heheh Jeykll I know how much you loved your time you spent there...I love it there so much and I want to go there for a girls weekend. I have decided it and I am going to set my mind to it. I want to stay in the Historic District. Now I just have to find some girls who want to do it. I do not know why I like it there so is so ME. I know you are not a real fan after your visit but if you went with me you would LOVE it.

Tam said...

What paid project are you working on now? just was wondering Have you shared your braclet making skills out in Kansas yet???

KTluv said...

OMGosh. I just knew you would have a winner by now! C'mon girls. Let's get these comments rolling!!!

the real ~Roxann~ said...


Poor Cat! Your story was prettttty bad! But, you are carrying a beautiful baby who will be appearing very soon.....what could be better than that?!?!?!

Stacy...freakin' pervs... hate them!! That's why I often replace letters of "questionable" words w/ symbols so it won't pick it up on one of those blog searches. But, shoot....who knew panty would bring out the skank of society. Sorry you got bad comments...that happened to me once and it made me so sick to my tummy and then it made me reallllly mad! Sorry it happened to you.

Tam...I do love Jekkyl! It's so pretty down there. And if you win...I'll forfeit it to Cat....

KTluvs....keep comin' back.... this contest is completely random, but someone is gonna win!

Tam said...

Here's one for CAT....I am trying to help you win...Hey Rox if she wins....oooo I know you have the stuff for great Baby

Beth said...

For someone to get off on the word panty just shows how sick our society is.

Tam said...

The Pervs need their own internet on their own planet...

Rox ask all of us one simple question to get a comment on...anything like what we ate for breakfast or one thing we did for ourselves this weekend...or if we could do one thing just for us what would it be...anyway

Tam said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks!! I'll take whatever I can get. I have no pride.

Tam said...

No prob Cat we transplants have to stick together here...another one for you today

KTluv said...

Wow, Tam. That is crazy but I can totally relate. My first husband's mother absolutely hated me from the beginning. She is a lot of the reason that he is my "first husband" lol My IL's now are great so I can't say anything too bad.

Tam said...

kt...yeah this is my 2nd marriage first MIL would have been great but died b4 I married my first husband...but that marriaged ended..well the reason is on my blog...MY second MIL well she is just plain hmm not even words to begin to describe this dysfunctional woman. But wherever you maybe have two beautiful GRANDCHILDREN....KT checking out your funny

Tam said...


H saw your pic on you blog and yells that is MS.Roxanne...why can't we see her. Is she at the old house...I want to go to old house...he was funny so I showed him all the pics you have posted..he wants to play with G lol

one more comment closer to your goal right

My Art

