Sunday, September 30, 2007

As I expected...

I gained 1.6lbs this week. I paid for what I ate. It sucked.

Now....I start over again.


KTluv said...

I am with you girl! We are starting a Biggest Loser contest at work on Monday so I am on the wagon again! Look ahead! We can do this!!!

Trish said...

How can you expect yourself to follow your diet to a T when all of the mothering nightmares are falling are you. Come on now, don't be so hard on yourself. I am there with you. :)

Anonymous said...

You're not starting over!! 1.6 pounds is not a huge deal, all things considered!! Tomorrow is a new day!!

Tam said...

Ok you gained come on look how much you have lost plus you know that this was going to happen some time....Girly...I know you better than that...come on now. You are doing winter is can not be all skin and bones out there where it is so flippin cold. Well I am trying to at least make you laugh.

*** hunzer *** said...

You are NOT starting over. You had a very minor setback is all! :)

the real ~Roxann~ said...

Good luck, KT!!! true, so true! was your weigh in before Disney? are making me laugh! It worked!

Hi Hunz! You and Sherry are right...not starting over...but I meant...trying to get back on the bandwagon!!!

My Art

