Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hi Everyone!'s the deal!

#1 - I lost 2.4 lbs this week.....making the GRAND TOTAL

(drumroll, please......)

25.6 pounds!!!

#2 - I have received interview questions from a few people....and I promise to try to etch out time to answer them and post them tomorrow! And if you have been thinking about's time to send me your questions!!!! (well, really, whenever you want to!) So, keep 'em comin'!

#3 - I was gonna scrap tonight....but, the big boys want to play a game. So, Monopoly or I come. (this will get me good mommy points, right?!)

Happy weekend!




FlipFlop Mom said...

WOO HOO On the weight loss girl...

Ok.. I posted something on my blog.. will you critique me.. PRETTY please.. I KNOW you'll be honest!!!!!!!

Who won your game...??

Oh and "leaf peeping" are all the people that come to New England who watch the leaves change colors!!! and buy Maple Sugar and candy.. mmmmmm

the real ~Roxann~ said...

Both boys totally kicked my buns!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so smoakin HOT!! Keep it up girl...You are my hero!!

KTluv said...

Congrats on the weight loss!!! That is awesome. You are going to be my inspiration.

Tam said...

Congrats Rox on the weight. I am so very Proud of you. Ok have you gotten any new pants...those one were falling off of you when you visted. Rock on Rock on!!!!!!!!

My Art

