Monday, October 1, 2007


Ok....just to clarify.....

The sitemeter does not track tracks "VISITS" to my blog.

In other words, if you visit my blog...
it assigns you a number.
The next person gets the next number, etc.

So, the contest winner will be VISITOR number 5000.

I'll go to my sitemeter and it will show me who this person is.....
or rather it will tell me where this person lives...
and I'll go back and match the time codes with the comments.
(because remember this person must leave a comment to win!)

I can tell you were are less that 100 visitors away from a winner.
(meaning we could be at 4901 or 4999....I can't tell you!)

I can predict that I assume this 5000th visitor should happen this week.
(remember, I originally predicted it could be by the end of Sept. and today is Oct. 1st - so I was a little off....but not by much.........)

So, remember when you visit...comment!

(geez.......I really tried to make this contest non-complicated......but it doesn't seem it!)

Now, I'm off to feed the kids lunch and pick up Logan to take him to the orthopedic doctor to see about his broken arm...... Check with you all later!!


Tam said...

It not complicated it is fun...OK who wants to set up the Next CONTEST lol lol

Anonymous said...

How do I get a site meter?

Elizabeth said...

Hi Rox!

I hope everything goes well at the Dr's! let us know :)

Tam said...

Rox passed on site meter to me also and it is easy and free. Go to the site just google sitemeter and it pops up. Make sure you do follow the instruction to paste it on you add elements page.

Tam said...

Ok R you need to start thinking about you 10 thousand next goal and what the prize will be...that will be fun...

Let me know about L and the arm...hey sign his cast for me, H, and P by the way H is going by the name of Superman and refuses to answer to anything else sign it from H Superman lol lol

Anonymous said...

hi rox from alisa in savh! Just wanted to say hello, i jumped over from jamies blog.

Tam said...

8pm here and checking your blog and still trying to get CAT a See how dull my life is...I am excited at trying to win someone else a

I am donating my hair to beautiful lengths by pantene instead of locks of love...hmm I was looking to much in to that company and they seem a bit questionable at seems tons of hair sent does not even get made in to wigs for the kids...but they do sell the hopefully that money is going to good use ...

Tam said...

I plan on Scrapping Friday NITE..I told R tonite that I wanted to go. I have the bug again..after my long time of not scrapping...I have found my inspiration again...what am I to do with all these DG pictures I have lying

KTluv said...

Hi Roxann and gals! Just wanted to say that I am excited to have new visitors to my blog too and boy I am excited to know that you guys can relate. We girls have to stick together!!!

Tam said...

R have you ever googled your name..I did and there is a blog but she spells it with a e..but your whole name...last and all lol lol I did mind nothing came up like so I did yours...ok see I am bored...I need to go scrapbook bye for now

Tam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tam said...

I had a neocate nightmare..yup I fell asleep and dreamed we were hunting neocate and all the pharmacies were closed for good..weird I know..I have bought that stuff for almost a year now...whats up with that lol lol

Tam said...

Ok Rox get that prize Ready for CAT I know I am going to win it for she is having a baby

Plus I got tired of I back again to stalk you blog

Anonymous said...

so i guess i will post like everyone else!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's my comment: what does "#@&#*PICKLES@&#&*!!!!!!" translate to? I ask because that's pretty much how my daughter cusses -- "aw, PICKLES!" -- and I think it's freakin' adorable. But I'm pretty sure hers translates to "aw, pickles" and not the f word. :)

Anonymous said...

OH, and in response to tam, I googled my name and it came up with my online photo gallery. That just outright kicks butt. 'Cause, you know, I was a little scared of what might pop up, what with the unsavory exes in my deranged past....

the real ~Roxann~ said...

Amy...did you click on the @#$*#PICKLES*#(*$& link and see the original post on Marinne and her momma trying to stop cussing?!? Click it and you'll understand....

Tam...Neocate nightmares...I seriously don't think I want to go there....I'd rather google my name!!!

KTluv said...

Hi Roxann! Checking in for the day. Have a great one!!!

My Art

