They are now filming the Sex in the City movie!!!
And I can't wait!!!
I was a huge Sex in the City fan. I think the writing was spectacular and there are so, so many episodes that I have seen over and and over! I just love the re-runs that play on TBS. They are edited to exclude the very raw sexual content and language that was included in the HBO original versions. For me, but I never thought the overt sex scenes were necessary, so I don't miss them in the edited versions.
Anyway, that is beside the point.....I was so sad when they cancelled it.
I bawled like a baby when the series ended.....
~Carrie and Big (John) ended up together.
~Samantha was recovering from chemo/breast cancer.
(this whole story line was almost too close to home....)
~Miranda embraced being the wife/mother she was capable of being.
~And Charlotte continued her long-running quest to start a family with the possibility of an international adoption.
Although, many things in the series didn't apply to me at all (being that I am not single and the majority of the story lines revolve around dating - at least until closer to the end of the series) I still enjoyed this series so much. But, so many times I could relate to the relationships, both between female and males. But, most of all....the relationship of getting to know and yourself. Flaws and all......
If you haven't seen Sex in the City....get thy butt to Blockbuster today and rent the Seasons and watch them. They are great!! (right, Tammy?!)
And by the time you finish....you'll be anxiously awaiting the movie, like me!
In the Sex in the City spirit.....check this out:
You Are Most Like Charlotte! |
![]() You are the ultimate romantic idealist You've been hurt before, but that hasn't caused you to give up on love. If anything, your resolve to fall in love is stronger than ever. And it's this feminine optimism that men find most appealing about you. Romantic prediction: That guy you are seeing (or crushing on)? Could be very serious - if you play your cards right! |
Well I was a SEX IN THE CITY virgin until I met you. I had never even seen any of them. Then one day you lent me your DVD's. I was pregnant my husband was in Iraq and boom lost my virginity. I was addicted even so that I hunted down the the dvd series and bought them..yep I have them and love them. I even watch the TBS late nite eventhough I have the DVDS. Not much of the story line had anything to do with my life but I loved it. Ok the show had been on for years and gone off the air before I even saw any until I met ROX that nite in Walmart. Well now I am addicted to another HBO series....BIG LOVE HEHEH I love it but I know it will never replace Sex in the City. The other one Army Wives is one of my currents but still I just do not think it will gain the momentum that SEX IN THE CITY had. I loved Charlotte...Carrie was my least favorite...I do not know why.
I took the Sex in the City Test and guess what...Charlotte...same as yours. heheh I knew Charlotte was my favorite character for some reason. heheh
Ok.. I couldn't read all of your post today.. BECAUSE what if I end up watching these shows...?? I've never seen one... but.. you never know..
I thought I would never watch Gilmore Girls... well guess what.. that who series was a RIOT!!! so I never say never!!!
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