Well, if you remember from my last post, one of the things on my to-do list was to
"wash that gray right outta my hair!"
Well, girls, thanks to my dad's side of the family, I have the genes that gives me lots of gray hair. And it gives me the grays much earlier than I should have them!! It's really unfair.
Of course, my dad has been turning gray since he was 16 years old. So, the fact that it didn't happen to me till I was in my 20's was, well....lucky. The only positive thing about this gene for gray hair, is that when I am old enough to "deserve" gray hair.....I should get the really good kind that my dad and his mom have. It's a pretty silvery-gray that eventually turns white.
But for today......I am NOT ready for that!!! So, I'll dye my hair.
Well, I've been dying my hair, at home, for like 10 years.
And, for all practical purposes, I'm pretty much an expert.
(ok, well, maybe expert is a stretch, since half the time I get the color everywhere.....I've ruined many towels, bath mats and clothes. And, I always seem to forget the "hairdresser secret" to apply vaseline around the hairline to keep the dye off your skin, and I've regretted not dying it a time or two. And, it seems like every single time I go to buy the hair color...I can never remember exactly which one is my "regular" color. Ok, fine....so I'm not an expert. Thanks for pointing that out!!!!!)
So....what am I getting at?
Well, apparently the box I picked up this time was much, MUCH DARKER than my "regular" color I normally use.......because I ended up looking like a "goth" chick!! (well, I have the 2 tattoos, but I'm not into funky piercings...so I'm not exactly the "goth" type!! I totally can't pull that one off.
So, now I have DARK BROWN, almost black hair and something had to be done.
Well, for a while I've been wanting to add some pink to my hair.
Now, before you freak....
..not like a cotton candy pink,
more like some bright pinkish reddish.
Just some pretty streaks or something.
I think it would be kinda cool but, I have never been brave enough to do it.
My whole life I have always been so worried about what everyone thinks about me. I let that worry keep me from doing things I really want to do. I wish I didn't care what people think, but I do. But I'm getting more and more brave with every day that passes. I'm becoming more and more willing to stand up for myself and do what I want to do, rather than what I think people want me to do. (I guess that's what this latest round of therapy has really done for me.....I realized that I don't do things for me. I'm always taking care of everyone else, but never taking care of my own needs.
Wow...how did I go off on that tangent.....
My point is....
I have always wanted to dye my hair a fun color.....
but I never have because I was afraid of what people would think.
So, I told Big Daddy and he thought it was a fabulous idea!
(And then, when I found myself with "goth" hair.....it seemed like the
perfect opportunity to "try" my daring color to lighten my hair up a little.)
So, Ike ran to the store and picked up a box or L'Oreal Colour Rays in Red Rays.
(they have a Fushia color, but that one scared the crap out of Big Daddy!!
And really,it was much more purply vs. pinky.)
And it says it works on even the darkest hair,
so we figured we were good to go!
So, we decided we would do it last night, when big daddy got home from work.
This is because, big daddy was going to help me do it.
But, then, he decided he'd do the whole thing!!!
(Now....we are talking some serious trust here!)
Well, we about freaked when we mixed up the dye!
Oh. My. Gosh!!!!!!!!
It was
don't tell anyone, just in case this doesn't go well!!! :-) LOL!!!
This is insane!!!!!
At one point, I was sort of freaking out....and fussing at Big Daddy a teeny bit.
And he responded by saying, "Well, what do you expect?! I'm not gay!!!"
(now....we don't mean that to be offensive. I'd like to say that we have both have had
several FANTASTIC gay friends, that we have loved so much.
So, please don't take that wrong......)
And since TMI has become an every day occurrence on my blog......
I should say that he did some "dying" of things downtown!
(I had to give him some kind of reward for his hard work!!! ;-)
I know. I know. It says not to dye anything other than your hair on your head.
Well, sometimes you just have to try something risky!!
(FYI....It didn't really work.)
Well.......I suppose you want to see what my hairdo looks like?!
Here ya go:
I know. I know. It's not that different. Well, until I get into the sun!
And then you can really see it!!
Well, the place it is the brightest is right at my scalp.
Why? I have no idea!! But the place I wanted it really red was on the ends and it really isn't that red towards the ends. Both Big Daddy and I were disappointed!

I think where we made the miscalculation was in the fact that my hair was already dyed REALLY dark, not just the dark being my natural hair color. Therefore, it didn't work as well on the ends. So, as soon as it fades a little.....I think it will work better. But, you can bet I'll be checking with my step-sister (the beauty school grad) for confirmation on denial of my suspicions regarding the dye issues! (Call me when you get home from your trip, Angie!!)
"wash that gray right outta my hair!"
Well, girls, thanks to my dad's side of the family, I have the genes that gives me lots of gray hair. And it gives me the grays much earlier than I should have them!! It's really unfair.
Of course, my dad has been turning gray since he was 16 years old. So, the fact that it didn't happen to me till I was in my 20's was, well....lucky. The only positive thing about this gene for gray hair, is that when I am old enough to "deserve" gray hair.....I should get the really good kind that my dad and his mom have. It's a pretty silvery-gray that eventually turns white.
But for today......I am NOT ready for that!!! So, I'll dye my hair.
Well, I've been dying my hair, at home, for like 10 years.
And, for all practical purposes, I'm pretty much an expert.
(ok, well, maybe expert is a stretch, since half the time I get the color everywhere.....I've ruined many towels, bath mats and clothes. And, I always seem to forget the "hairdresser secret" to apply vaseline around the hairline to keep the dye off your skin, and I've regretted not dying it a time or two. And, it seems like every single time I go to buy the hair color...I can never remember exactly which one is my "regular" color. Ok, fine....so I'm not an expert. Thanks for pointing that out!!!!!)
So....what am I getting at?
Well, apparently the box I picked up this time was much, MUCH DARKER than my "regular" color I normally use.......because I ended up looking like a "goth" chick!! (well, I have the 2 tattoos, but I'm not into funky piercings...so I'm not exactly the "goth" type!! I totally can't pull that one off.
So, now I have DARK BROWN, almost black hair and something had to be done.
Well, for a while I've been wanting to add some pink to my hair.
Now, before you freak....
..not like a cotton candy pink,
more like some bright pinkish reddish.
Just some pretty streaks or something.
I think it would be kinda cool but, I have never been brave enough to do it.
My whole life I have always been so worried about what everyone thinks about me. I let that worry keep me from doing things I really want to do. I wish I didn't care what people think, but I do. But I'm getting more and more brave with every day that passes. I'm becoming more and more willing to stand up for myself and do what I want to do, rather than what I think people want me to do. (I guess that's what this latest round of therapy has really done for me.....I realized that I don't do things for me. I'm always taking care of everyone else, but never taking care of my own needs.
Wow...how did I go off on that tangent.....
My point is....
I have always wanted to dye my hair a fun color.....
but I never have because I was afraid of what people would think.
So, I told Big Daddy and he thought it was a fabulous idea!
(And then, when I found myself with "goth" hair.....it seemed like the
perfect opportunity to "try" my daring color to lighten my hair up a little.)
So, Ike ran to the store and picked up a box or L'Oreal Colour Rays in Red Rays.
(they have a Fushia color, but that one scared the crap out of Big Daddy!!
And really,it was much more purply vs. pinky.)
And it says it works on even the darkest hair,
So, we decided we would do it last night, when big daddy got home from work.
This is because, big daddy was going to help me do it.
But, then, he decided he'd do the whole thing!!!
(Now....we are talking some serious trust here!)
Well, we about freaked when we mixed up the dye!
Oh. My. Gosh!!!!!!!!
It was
At one point, I was sort of freaking out....and fussing at Big Daddy a teeny bit.
And he responded by saying, "Well, what do you expect?! I'm not gay!!!"
several FANTASTIC gay friends, that we have loved so much.
So, please don't take that wrong......)
And since TMI has become an every day occurrence on my blog......
I should say that he did some "dying" of things downtown!
(I had to give him some kind of reward for his hard work!!! ;-)
I know. I know. It says not to dye anything other than your hair on your head.
Well, sometimes you just have to try something risky!!
(FYI....It didn't really work.)
Well.......I suppose you want to see what my hairdo looks like?!
Here ya go:
And then you can really see it!!
Well, the place it is the brightest is right at my scalp.
Why? I have no idea!! But the place I wanted it really red was on the ends and it really isn't that red towards the ends. Both Big Daddy and I were disappointed!
I think where we made the miscalculation was in the fact that my hair was already dyed REALLY dark, not just the dark being my natural hair color. Therefore, it didn't work as well on the ends. So, as soon as it fades a little.....I think it will work better. But, you can bet I'll be checking with my step-sister (the beauty school grad) for confirmation on denial of my suspicions regarding the dye issues! (Call me when you get home from your trip, Angie!!)
I so want to dye my hair pink, and Husband said I could. So, I just might be joining you here soon with the new and unusual hair, well, after the baby is born.
OK FINALLY A POST FROM YOU TOO.I have only been online long enough to check to see if you have posted. we need a 12 step program together...hopefully posting soon
talk to you later
You're hair looks good! But mostly I wanted to add that I can really see your face thinning out big time!! What a difference 30 pounds makes!! Yay!
Oh doggone it...I was gonna say what Sherry said...I hate when someone beats me to the punch! But truly sister, I was gonna say that your face looks DIFFERENT!! And it aint your hair color!! You look like a little girl in that last pic. Amazing!
I love the pink hair idea, and I love Ike-e-poo helping out...especially...um, down THERE! Hmmm, I wonder where Big Dave is??? I think I might need a touch up myself! :)
You rock...love ya!
Oh you are too funny.. however.. I LOVE the new color on you.. I think it truly looks GREAT!!!
I would never .. ever.. ever.. trust my husband to do my hair... I would have to be totally "loaded" for that to happen.. and I don't forsee that in ANY future.. LOL LOL...
But I have to admit.. your hubby did GREAT!!!
I keep checking your posts and have not even written anything on mine...did i mention I love the hair. What color does IKE want to do mine when I fly out to see you! O but I do not fly...
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