Well, I woke up today to COLD!!!! 37 DEGREES when I was getting the boys ready for school!! Actually, I came into town only to find it to be cold yesterday, but I've basically been in bed since I got home on Sunday. So, that didn't really effect me much since I was huddled under the covers in my bed!!!!
So, it's officially Fall (or is it Winter?!?!) in Topeka!!!
(Although, it was like almost 80 degrees in Kansas City on Saturday!!!)
Check out my weather forecast:
So, it's officially Fall (or is it Winter?!?!) in Topeka!!!
(Although, it was like almost 80 degrees in Kansas City on Saturday!!!)
Check out my weather forecast:
Wind: N at 0 mph
Humidity: 68%
Wind: N at 0 mph
Humidity: 68%

67° | 41°


62° | 36°

62° | 36°
Wow!! I guess that's ok, though. I said I was tired of always being hot in Savannah. But, can't we find a happy medium here?!?!
PSCHEW!! I am exhausted!!!!
(check the NEXT post for details and pics!!!)
But, I am so tired!!!
Good times, good fun, good new friends!
The very best scrappin' supplies!
And I came home with WAY TOO MUCH STUFF!!
(you would not believe how much I get for free!!)
I've been offered an exciting job to travel next year to all kinds of cities to do the CKC's and Scrapbook Expo and the Great American Scrapbook Convention....
just what I love to do!!!
stay tuned for more on that later.....
But, I am so happy to be feeling better, albeit sore. You know the sore I am talking about. That upper chest pain, brought on from way too much dry-heaving!!! (sorry, tmi!)
HaPpY 9th BiRtHdAy, JeNsEn!!!
You'll never know just how much your momma loves you!!!! Happy Birthday, Sweetie!!
PSCHEW!! I am exhausted!!!!

(check the NEXT post for details and pics!!!)
But, I am so tired!!!
Good times, good fun, good new friends!
The very best scrappin' supplies!
And I came home with WAY TOO MUCH STUFF!!
(you would not believe how much I get for free!!)
I've been offered an exciting job to travel next year to all kinds of cities to do the CKC's and Scrapbook Expo and the Great American Scrapbook Convention....
just what I love to do!!!
stay tuned for more on that later.....
But, I am so happy to be feeling better, albeit sore. You know the sore I am talking about. That upper chest pain, brought on from way too much dry-heaving!!! (sorry, tmi!)
HaPpY 9th BiRtHdAy, JeNsEn!!!

You'll never know just how much your momma loves you!!!! Happy Birthday, Sweetie!!
Wow a job....that makes up for being sick big time. Glad to hear you are up and feeling a little bit better.
eeewww, you are still sick. j/k!! i was napping from like 9 am til 1:30 pm today. yikes. i am still So tired from this weekend. we have WAAAAAY to much to talk about!!! LOL!
hope that you get better soon!
Rock on my sister!
Happy Birthday Jensen!!!!!! I hope he had a wonderful day!
Glad you're feeling better, looking forward to seeing your pics! Sounds like a great time!!
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