I'll have to add the picture later
(after he gets home from school and I take it...shut up...
I can't be perfect all the time....after all I drug Logan a 2 yr. old and a 4 yr. old with me to the ortho doctor yesterday. Talk about fun!!!
I forgot the camera.....but at least I didn't forget a kid!)
Anyway, the deal is.....Logan got his cast.
He has what is called a "greenstick" fracture.
It's not a clean break, more like a bone boo-boo.
It's got a 6% curve on it and the casting will help straighten that up.
They had to really work on getting the cast the "direction" they wanted it, which was quite painful for Logan. (read: mash on the cast and Logan's arm under it to get the cast to mold in the direction to straighten the bone up.)
I felt really bad for him....
....but wait until he finds out they are gonna saw that sucker off
and he's really gonna freak!
Anyway, his cast is "North Carolina" Tar Heel blue.
(what the heck is a tar heel, anyway.....)
(I didn't even know what he was talking about, but obviously a sports injury
specialist....and everything in the office is about sports... But we got
along just great....his son just graduated from University of Georgia!)
Anyway, it's a pretty nice shade of blue....
And it better be cause it cost enough....
And we have to look at it for a whole month!
So, we'll had back to the doctor in 4 weeks, when they will remove the cast and x-ray
it again to determine if he gets re-casted or if he's good as new!
(after he gets home from school and I take it...shut up...
I can't be perfect all the time....after all I drug Logan a 2 yr. old and a 4 yr. old with me to the ortho doctor yesterday. Talk about fun!!!
I forgot the camera.....but at least I didn't forget a kid!)
Anyway, the deal is.....Logan got his cast.
He has what is called a "greenstick" fracture.
It's not a clean break, more like a bone boo-boo.
It's got a 6% curve on it and the casting will help straighten that up.
They had to really work on getting the cast the "direction" they wanted it, which was quite painful for Logan. (read: mash on the cast and Logan's arm under it to get the cast to mold in the direction to straighten the bone up.)
I felt really bad for him....
....but wait until he finds out they are gonna saw that sucker off
and he's really gonna freak!
Anyway, his cast is "North Carolina" Tar Heel blue.

(I didn't even know what he was talking about, but obviously a sports injury
specialist....and everything in the office is about sports... But we got
along just great....his son just graduated from University of Georgia!)
Anyway, it's a pretty nice shade of blue....
And it better be cause it cost enough....
And we have to look at it for a whole month!
So, we'll had back to the doctor in 4 weeks, when they will remove the cast and x-ray
it again to determine if he gets re-casted or if he's good as new!
A 'Tarheel' referrs to North Carolina's earliest settlers. When they landed on the outer banks, and all the swamp and peat and stuff, they got black stuff all over their feet. I don't know if it was actually tar, it could have been, but they got their feet stained black. You ain't a native NC-er unless you claim to be a Tarheel. Which I claim!!
oh, hope Logan feels better.
White and gold would have been better! Ha Ha! Poor guy - maybe it won't get itchy on him.
POOR L.....for real sign his cast from all of us..lol Send him my thoughts
I hope Logan is feeling better. I hear those casts itch. When my brother broke his arm forever and a day ago the best gift he got was a back scratcher that would fit inside his cast.
Oh I hope this works.. I haven't been able to post... to you!!
Anyway.. your poor little guy... I don't know what TAR HEEL BLUE is either...
And a side note.. since I haven't been able to post to you.. NO the paint doesn't come off the Plexi Glass.... I too was shocked.. it holds up pretty well!! Ü
I missed reading your blog while my modem was fried.. :(
YAAAA HOOOO it posted!!! YIPEE!~!!!
what about soom OU colors!!!
ok Rox have we set your goal yet? lol anyway ttyl
Going to dinner and kroger and just what will happen...you will hit your mark while I am out..just my darn luck...well I can not keep checking bye for now ttyl
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