Thursday, May 31, 2007
As usual, these visits have drama. Actually, the drama was before they got here. Somehow when I told her of our busy schedule thru June, it turned into "we don't have time for you" in her mind. Geez. I hate that I can't say anything w/out it being turned around against me. So, anyway, she had an attitude, then Ike nailed her about it and now it's over. She was just fine yesterday when they arrived.
Speak of the devil....they just called and they are on the way over from the hotel. (Yep, they refuse to stay in our home. Weird, I know.) Anyway, I'm sitting here blogging and I gotta go get dressed!!
We are supposed to be doing something today....not sure what, though. I hope the day goes ok.......
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Let's see...what's been up?
- I'm still sick, although not nearly as bad as earlier this week. It's all allergies, but now it's all in my chest. Just call me WHEEZY!
- Schools out for Summer! And the kids are overjoyed!!! Swim lessons start next week!
- Report cards were awesome! (after I kicked Logan's booty in gear on that Math grade- which was completely due to being LAZY!) Logan got all A's and one B. Jensen's grades were all great!
- Ike and I celebrated our 15th Wedding Anniversary on the 23rd. It went by with 2 sick parents w/ no babysitter for the 4 kids. We didn't feel well enough to go we ate hot dogs and potato chips for dinner! Fancy! Ha ha!
- The weather is stinky....raining and pool or outdoor play for us! So much for the holiday!
- The News Director actually got a day off! Woo Hoo! I can't even remember the last time he had Memorial Day off! Seriously! He's home today and so happy to not be at work!
- It looks like someone mowed our grass for us out back. Don't know who and don't know why! But appreciate the gesture all the same......
- Sherry will be here in 10 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live on the prairie or what?!?!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Self-Portrait Tuesday
Just me...
So, I went to see the therapist today. And it was great. She's very motherly. She's gentle and kind. I can't wait to continue down this road of discovery and continue to release some of these feelings that I've been experiencing. For today, I'm happy.
Self-portrait Tuesday is something I've been seeing on blogs for quite some time. I've been wanting to do it, but I was a little afraid to try it. Well, Jamie pointed out that there are never any pics of me, so I decided to give it a whirl, so my kids will have some photos of me. So, I tried it and guess what?! It's super fun!!!! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. My challange to you is: if you have a blog...join into Self-Portrait Tuesday.
Let others really SEE you!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Scrapbooking Show-N-Tell
<------------- So, this one is my favorite!!! (click on it to see it larger.) Don't you love the silver circles?!
How cute is this one? (Just don't tell him the fish paper came from the baby section!!)
Green Snowmen??
Friday, May 18, 2007
Hey everybody!!!! I just wanted to say have a HAPPY WEEKEND!!!! I am cropping tomorrow and I gotta go pack my bags and get to bed. 9am-9pm baby!!! Let's just hope that woman isn't mean to me. Otherwise, I open my can of miserable on her. And I am PMSin' big time. So, I just dare her to bring up schools....we can debate the issue now since I don't work with her!
I'm just gonna try to knock out a few pages. Right now...I have NO pages planned, so we'll have to see what I can get done tomorrow. I haven't scrapped in a few weeks, so I am looking forward to it. And my two little ones were awful I need a break!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Missing the South....
Big Daddy and I spent our honeymoon in Charleston back in 1992. During that trip we had our very first Low Country Boil. It was delicious.
So, we decided to perfect the Boil at home, since SC was far away from Oklahoma.
So, over the last 15 years, we've pretty well perfected our
Griffin actually loves seafood!
Marinne prefers corn-on-the-cob!!!
The big kids sat down by the pool.
My rockin' Mother's Day gifts!!!
My darling friend AMBER

This is for you Roxy
I have such a wonderful friend Roxann... aka Foxy Roxy. ( her blog is at right) I got to know her by working with her in the scrapbook store here. She was a teacher with me and one heck of a hilarious person. She was the most fun to be around and always made everyone feel so welcomed. (i'm making her sound like she's dead... she's not.... :)
She's been going through some tough times lately- see.... her husband had to go off and get transfered for his job, thus pulling one of my closest friends away from me. ( I'll never forgive you Ike.... :)
So this is for you babe..... Love ya tons!!!!! Oh.. and Rox.... notice what the stamp around the circle pic says...... hehehehehe ( and yes, this is another digi LO.. seems that's all I'm able to accomplish lately.)

I cannot even begin to tell you how surprised I was to find this. And even more, how touched I was by it. Seriously.
When I moved my friends made me the most wonderful scrapbook and they all made pages for me to put in it. It is one of my most prized possessions. I look at it often. Until they gave me that book, no one had ever made me a scrapbook. I'm the one who made them for others, not the other way around. In that scrapbook, Amber even wrote and "ODE" to me. (another reason I love her!)
Well, I gotta tell you Amber, thank you for caring. Thank you for brightening my day. Thank you for being a great friend. Just thank you.
Love, Roxann
~ Sherry comes in 21 DAYS!!!! I even have a counter on my Google homepage!
~ Logan is almost making a D in MATH and I'm going to ground him for so long he won't even remember what the outdoors looks like. This is lack of effort, not lack of knowledge. The little fart!
~ Marinne is getting up earlier and earlier every day and it's killing me!!!
~ I want to hire a housekeeper and I think I'm going to do it!!!! (if I can afford it!)
~ I have to go to Walmart and I am avoiding it big-time!! (blogging, not shopping!)
~ I spent about 1 1/2 hours organizing photos this morning getting ready to crop this weekend. I'm gonna go and make my *awesome* layouts and make them wish they had me. And hopefully, I'll make a friend or two.
~ Kris, I am dying to hear the proposal me or email me. I know you are super busy, but I reallllly want to hear about it. I've been thinking about you all week. And I want to see the "real" pic of the ring. Oh, and when's the wedding???
~ I have an appt. with the therapist on Tuesday. Yay! Can't wait to start layin' some of this on her!
~ Can you believe the postage went up?! Whatever!!! They suck.
~ And the gas prices are REALLLLLY irking me. They suck even more!!!
So, what's on YOUR mind today.........
Monday, May 14, 2007
technology is great and all........
So.....what's been up with you????
Friday, May 11, 2007
The mess that is me....
Like I said, I'm not sure why all that tumbled out when it did....but, I don't regret saying it. To me, it's just fact. I struggle so much with all the fall-out of what happened to me. In the beginning, I was the only casualty. But, as the days went by, and I told those close to me.....the list of casualties grew. To my brother. To my parents. To Ike. To some of my friends. Just hearing what I had gone through, was almost too much for some of them to bear. Some just could not deal with it. Some sought therapy of their own.
And here we are. Dealing with the fall-out still. That's what pisses me off. I feel like I should be done with it. Over it. Moved on. But, it never seems to ever go away. Even when I do forget about it and move on....something small can happen....and it's back in an instant.
Some of it is big stuff, some of it is small stuff. But, it's all devastating.
Did you know that the reason my memory is so bad (according to my previous therapist) is that I have blocked so much stuff out...that my brain has to work overtime on that, which leaves it fatigued when it comes to other stuff. Basically, I have blocked things that I can't deal with and it took "good" stuff with it, too. For instance, I have no memory of OUR first date and first kiss. Ike can tell me the story of that night and I can go........hmmm, that seems familiar, but I have no actual memory of it. And now, I can "remember" it because he had told me the story so many times, that I remember what "he told me" but not the actual event. Does that make any sense at all?
Did you know that even though we are celebrating our 15th anniversary in a few weeks, the fall-out almost ruined our marriage in the early years? It was so hard. Here's an example of what our marriage has had to endure. One time, we had a fight over something that was probably stupid (I don't remember what the fight was about.) and I was pretty upset. I tried to walk see, after my rape, that's what I the face of adversity, I ran away. So, Ike reached out to my hand to get me to stop, to calm me down. But, it backfired in his face. What happened was that I had a "flashback." I didn't want to be held against my will and I freaked out. This had nothing to do with Ike. It was "fall-out." I happened to be standing in a doorway of our home and I ripped my hand/arm away from him. Hard. Screaming and out-of-control. When I did, I hit the corner where the 2 walls meet. Realllly hard. And then I ran. Right out the front door. In a panic. I ran to my car and when I tried to open the car door....I fell on the ground in pain. Ike carried me back into the house and we determined pretty quickly that I had to go to the emergency room. I had broken every blood vessel across the top of my hand. We made up a story because I didn't want the ER people to ask me questions. I avoided questions at all costs.
Behavior like this continued thru the first whole year of our marriage. Either things were really good and it was a good day. But, most days were filled with chaos. And the nights filled with nightmares. So, we partied. Often. When I was drinking, I didn't have to worry about it. I wasn't an alcoholic or anything like that, but we did drink several times a week with our friends. (In our defense, we were still in college...and that's just what we did. That's what we did before I was raped. But now, my motivation was different. I didn't drink socially, really....I drank to forget.)
I just tried to pretend that it never happened. To ignore it. (ask me how well that worked!!)
We also had problems in our physical relationship because of me. Sorry, tmi....but, it's part of the story. I had flashbacks much of the time we were together. Sometimes, they were minor. Most of the time....they were horrible. Can you imagine being a newlywed and the whole sex thing not working out too well? Well, it was bad. For Ike. For me. And I struggled with massive guilt because of it. We'd seem to make 2 steps forward and 10 steps back. I struggled with issues of being "whorish" because of how the rapist had treated me....and I had trouble with the line between normal physical relations between husband and wife and what that bastard had done to me. Because some of it was the same physical acts. I just did not have a "healthy" view of sex. Period. It was a very difficult thing for both Ike and me. And I'd be lying if I didn't say I still struggle with it today. Not to the same extent as back then, but still in some ways. I hate that.
So, the more I tried to push down what happened, the more it threatened to explode out. And when it did, it was devastating.
Finally, during that first year, I sought out therapy thru the campus health system. It seemed like a good idea. Until I walked in there and the woman said, "For me to help you, you are going to have to tell me exactly what happened to you." Well, I freaked. I wasn't ready to go there. I spent all my time trying to repress those memories, not rehash them. So, I walked out and never went back.
In early 2003, Ike was offered a job for the 3rd time at a tv station in Tulsa. So, he figured he better take it. After we moved to Tulsa, the problems got worse. I eventually sought help at Call Rape, a non-profit agency in Tulsa. I went thru like 2 years of individual therapy, therapy with Ike and group therapy. It was very helpful.
I did a lot of public speaking about my experience and about Call Rape. I did articles in many publications. Ike and I spoke together many times. It was hard and scary, but it was good for me. It helped me progress in my healing.
You know, the thing that shows me I'm still making progress probably seems so small to everyone else, but it's such a big deal to me. It's a window. My bedroom window. I haven't been able to sleep with the window open in over 15 years. I've been doing it all Spring long. Now granted, my window is a considerable distance off the ground, but someone could still get into it w/ the right equipment. But this is a huge thing for me. Huge.
Ok, I think this is enough for now. I've already ran down my laptop battery writing all this out and now I'm plugged into the wall. And now, I'm exhausted.....and it's only 9:45am.
Please feel free to comment or ask questions. I don't mind. Talking about it can be very therapeutic.
I think I mentioned going to the doctor yesterday. My blood pressure was thru the roof. And he put me on some yummy meds to help me deal w/ all this anxiety. I hope it helps. But, he says he's concerned with how "fragile" I seem (hmmmmm....was crying 3 times in 20 minutes the dead giveaway?) But, he says he can see how I'd be so stressed w/ the move, the 2 houses to pay for, the kids, the flood, the no friends......... So, he's sending me to a therapist. And quite frankly, I can't wait to go.
I'm done with the rollercoaster.....and I want off. I prefer selling the tickets.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I will not be whining or complaining on my blog today!!!!! No sad posts about birdies, no more whining about floods and cleaning up floods or any of that crap!!! I seriously don't even want to think about it anymore.
My random thoughts for this morning....
#1- I appreciate all the recent responses to the serious stuff posted lately on my blog. I want to have time to really respond appropriately. And I will, very soon. In the meantime, I'm glad you didn't think it was too much. Even if someone did think it was too much, well I'm sorry, it doesn't change the fact that it happened and that it's a huge part of me. I promise I will be talking more about this very soon.
#2- I get to go to the doctor this morning. (which is why I can't take a long time to blog) You see, I only have one pill of my blood pressure medicine left. And I don't think after 6 months of seeing doc in GA is gonna give me any more.
#3- I miss everyone so much! I really do. When ya'll coming to Kansas?!?! Just jump on the flight with Sherry!
#4- Next weekend I get to go crop at the lss and make that worker who yelled at me, be nice to me for an entire day of cropping. (I wouldn't go, but I still hope there is a chance I could make a friend to hang out with!!!)
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
more loss....
So, with my panic setting in, I burst out the back door and run to the nest. Hoping, just hoping that the eggshell belongs to only one of our eggies. But, I know it doesn't look good....
I'm sure she's devastated. It happened to her like it could happen to us. Like all accidents happen. We turn our head for one minute, let our guard down. And BAM! Something horrible happens.
Why, yes Kerry....that was a pile of scrapbooks!!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
help and progress...
help!!! He dug a 25 foot long trench in the backyard so we can lay a pipe for drainage away from the house. He mowed our entire yard. He figured out a way to drain the water away from the house. He was ready and willing and smiling the whole day. I was very blessed by him being here. He made a really bad situation so much better.
While he did all that...I was finishing the laundry (until I ran out of detergent) and I had to wash the laundry room floor with major-strength Pine-Sol. I totally was getting high off those fumes...blah! I got a major headache from that. But, it looks better and smells much better than it did!
The thing that has me most bugged is how disrupted our life is and how hard that is on all of us. And now I've figured out that it's going to be a few days before the carpet can be replaced downstairs, so it will take time to get it all done. But, in the meantime, I guess we'll be living like this for a while.
Thanks for all the well-wishes. It really does help!
Monday, May 7, 2007
the latest as the flood waters recend....
I am exhausted. I have done about 20 loads of laundry today. Seriously.
I have ripped up carpet. I have moved furniture. I have wet/dry vacuumed GALLONS and GALLONS of water. I have squeeged water up. I have wiped up water with towels. My 2 oldest boys are living in the family room. The family room and my scrap room are filled with all the things from the other half of the house that's flooded.
Logan has been a HUGE help. He's been by my side all day. Even comforting me when I cried. Days like today make me very proud of him.
We learned that our homeowners insurance WON'T pay for any of the damage. So, we are on our own to fix it. So, that sucks. But, it wasn't too unexpected. Who knew we'd need flood insurance.
Thanks for all your kind wishes and notes. I appreciate them all. I'm very blessed to call all of you my friends.
He takes a shower and goes downstairs to iron a shirt. And about 10 minutes later he comes upstairs to tell me that Logan and Jensen's room is completely flooded...side to side and front to back and now the laundry room (which is big) is flooded, as well!!! Well....literally, I am half-asleep and I said, "What did you just say?!"
Seriously, I am freaking out. (Not to mention I've been bawling for an hour, while I clean up all the piles of clothes that are standing in water.)
So, because I'm all wound up, I'm blogging at 5:58am, instead of going back to sleep. Good grief. :-o
Sunday, May 6, 2007

Was it too much?
It's the story of me. It's the story of my struggles. Quite frankly, it's a shitty story, but it happened and it's real and I've struggled long and hard to realize that it wasn't my fault and that I shouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed about it.
Then, there is the religious aspect of my story. I know religion can be a touchy subject. I just struggle so much with this issue, between my feelings about all that's happened to me vs. the beliefs of my childhood/young adult faith. And the constant conflict within myself about this issue and my family pressures in relationship to it.
I shared all this, hoping you'd share your advice with me. Don't be afraid to tell me what you really think. Please give me your words of wisdom. I really want to hear what you have to say. After all, it's all about the truth of the matter.
I'm sorry if you felt it was too much. It's just the truth. And sometimes the truth, well sometimes the truth just sucks.
Friday, May 4, 2007
The past.....
- Roxann (75)
- scrapbooking (57)
- life (16)
- weight loss (16)
- Jensen (15)
- blogging (15)
- friends (15)
- Marinne (14)
- busy (14)
- Scrapbooks 'N Stickers (13)
- family (13)
- weight watchers (13)
- design team (12)
- kids (12)
- Griffin (10)
- WorldWin (10)
- birthday (10)
- travel (10)
- CKC (9)
- Logan (9)
- WorldWin DT (9)
- fun (9)
- sick (9)
- Big Daddy (8)
- holidays (8)
- love (8)
- sux to be sick (8)
- TPMSDT (7)
- doctor (7)
- me (7)
- school (7)
- weather (7)
- Savannah (6)
- fabulous friends (6)
- family time (6)
- funny (6)
- snow (6)
- CKC scrapbooking (5)
- Creating Keepsakes Convention (5)
- Interview Me (5)
- WWPDT (5)
- blog (5)
- hair (5)
- trip (5)
- award (4)
- birds (4)
- my mother (4)
- stress (4)
- therapy (4)
- Christmas (3)
- Dealing Myself a Losing Hand (3)
- Spring (3)
- The Paper Mill Store (3)
- anxiety (3)
- class reunion (3)
- contest (3)
- crazy (3)
- day to day (3)
- frustrated (3)
- girly stuff (3)
- growing up (3)
- happy (3)
- house (3)
- moms (3)
- news director (3)
- post office (3)
- random thoughts (3)
- scrapbook store (3)
- self-portrait Tuesday (3)
- sick kids (3)
- surgery (3)
- tampons (3)
- tv news (3)
- Congratulations (2)
- Father's Day (2)
- Halloween (2)
- Jenny (2)
- Kansas (2)
- Las Vegas (2)
- Mother's Day (2)
- Ohio (2)
- Pre-K (2)
- RAK (2)
- Sex and the City movie (2)
- Sherry (2)
- TMI (2)
- awesome (2)
- bad day (2)
- blog contest (2)
- broken arm (2)
- brother (2)
- cards (2)
- cooking (2)
- cool stuff (2)
- cursing (2)
- damage (2)
- death (2)
- depression (2)
- diabetes (2)
- exhausted (2)
- flood (2)
- goodies (2)
- health (2)
- housecleaning (2)
- job (2)
- memories (2)
- mice (2)
- migraine (2)
- mommy stuff (2)
- potty training (2)
- swimming lessons (2)
- teaching (2)
- winter (2)
- 7 random things (1)
- Amber (1)
- America (1)
- BIG NEWS (1)
- Barclay (1)
- Bellagio (1)
- Beth R. (1)
- Bind-It-All (1)
- Bixby (1)
- Black Friday (1)
- Blackberry (1)
- Botanical Garden (1)
- CHA (1)
- CKC-Manchester (1)
- CKC-Mesa (1)
- CKC-St. Louis (1)
- California (1)
- Christmas tree (1)
- Chuck-E-Cheese (1)
- Creative Blogger Award (1)
- Fall (1)
- Flip Flop Mom (1)
- GASC (1)
- Georgia (1)
- Grandparents (1)
- Inspirational Blogger Award (1)
- Jamie (1)
- Jennifer (1)
- KU (1)
- Kansas City (1)
- Kara (1)
- Kristine (1)
- Lain (1)
- Lori (1)
- Nebraska (1)
- Palmetto bugs (1)
- Pleasanton (1)
- Richmond Hill (1)
- Ruche (1)
- SNS (1)
- San Francisco (1)
- Scrapbook Expo (1)
- Scrapbooker Online (1)
- Sex in the City (1)
- Shirley (1)
- Stampin' UP (1)
- Tulsa (1)
- Two Chicks DT (1)
- acceptance (1)
- airline (1)
- alone (1)
- angry (1)
- anniversary (1)
- ants (1)
- art (1)
- baking (1)
- basketball (1)
- behavior (1)
- behind (1)
- boob job (1)
- broken bone (1)
- bummer (1)
- bus (1)
- cardmaking (1)
- cardstock (1)
- casino (1)
- catch-up (1)
- catchup (1)
- changes (1)
- children (1)
- cold (1)
- communication (1)
- convention (1)
- cousins (1)
- crop (1)
- cute (1)
- dad (1)
- daddy (1)
- deadline (1)
- decorating (1)
- discipline (1)
- drama (1)
- dreams (1)
- electricity (1)
- excited (1)
- family fun (1)
- female stuff (1)
- food poisoning (1)
- fun stuff (1)
- funeral (1)
- geocaching (1)
- gifts (1)
- gps (1)
- green (1)
- grief (1)
- hospital (1)
- ice (1)
- ice storm (1)
- imagination (1)
- insane (1)
- insurance (1)
- job stuff (1)
- kari (1)
- laundry (1)
- layouts (1)
- lucky (1)
- mail (1)
- mess (1)
- milestones (1)
- mini album (1)
- money (1)
- morning (1)
- moving (1)
- music (1)
- naps (1)
- neighbor (1)
- neighbors (1)
- new job (1)
- old (1)
- outside (1)
- overheard (1)
- overwhelmed (1)
- pacifier (1)
- parenting (1)
- party (1)
- past (1)
- peace (1)
- pediatrician (1)
- people (1)
- pets (1)
- phone (1)
- power outage (1)
- pre-teen (1)
- problems (1)
- pumpkin patch (1)
- quiet (1)
- rants (1)
- rescue (1)
- roaches (1)
- sales (1)
- shopping (1)
- spoiled (1)
- stamping (1)
- stressed (1)
- stuff (1)
- stupid (1)
- stupid stuff (1)
- voting (1)
- wifey stuff (1)