Then, there are the creatures that come in my house and certainly were not invited!
I hate them even more!!!
Just before we moved, I had a problem with a bird who had climbed in under the eaves our our house and decided that was a better place to live than say, in a nest in a tree or a birdhouse. Then, the pain in the a$$ decided to PECK A HOLE in the ceiling of Griffin's room. Yes, the darn thing pecked a hole thru the ceiling, dropping sheetrock chunks and dust all over everything. Exactly, what kind of bird thinks it's a good idea to peck a hole in someone's ceiling. What did he think he was going to accomplish? Where was he going? What exactly was going thru his mind as he sunk his beak thru insulation and finally thru the semi-hard sheetrock?
So, Ike had to patch the hole and attempt to match that weird pattern on the ceiling.
Then, after Ike had moved. That a-hole bird did it again. I WAS FURIOUS!!!! What kind of bird decides he's gonna peck a hole in the ceiling twice??? It's not like it gets THAT cold in Savannah! So, another repair was in order. But, seriously...what a pain in the booty!
Also, I feel the same intense hatred toward Palmetto Bugs/roaches that are in Georgia. I have torn apart a room trying to kill some of those nasty creatures on more than one occasion!!!! (the only person I've met that hates them more than me is Sherry......poor girl nearly passes out when she sees one....I just get crazed!)
Most recently.....I'd like to say that.......

Yep, those little suckers have invaded my home. Now, do they bite? No, not this type. These are just annoying. (Although I did have a few go-arounds w/ the stingin' fireants in Savannah....and p.s. I won.)
But,these ants, well, they trail wherever they feel like it. They trail on the counter in the kitchen (and trust me, it's clean.) They trail by the front door and onto the shoes. They trail in my master bath and ruin the sanctity of my peaceful shower....because, afterall, I don't want them ON me!
::heebie jeebies, now::
So, I DECLARE WAR! I grab the closest thing to me, which might kill them. It's.....KABOOM!
It turns out, Kaboom! not only cleans your bathroom, but it will kill ants and ruin the paint on your bathroom wall. (just trust me on this one.)

So, I decide another approach is warranted. The next time, I am enraged by the sight of the ants in my bathroom, I grab the hairspray! I figure, it freezes your hair, I bet it freezes ants.

So, I consult my friend, and read that organic, child-safe ways to deter the ants is to use cinnamon. (which I deem as too messy and bad for trying to eat well. After all, would it be good if everywhere I go in my house, I smell something that reminds me of baked goods?)

So, back to the list.......

So, I have BIG DREAMS of annihilating these stupids ANTS and declaring my home ANT-FREE by the end of the week.
I, for one, had never seen a mouse up close and personal until after Ike and I were married.

OH MY GOSH!!!! What do I do?! Well, the crashing continues and I reason, I have to look. So, I drag over the kitchen chair to the cabinet and peek inside. Now, the mouse sees me and freaks out, fighting even more!
S0, what's a desperate, scared of mice kinda girl supposed to do? I did what any freaked out girl in my position would do and I ran to the laundry area and I grabbed.....

Yep, standing on a chair so I could reach the cabinet, and shaking, I smacked that sucker with the hammer till he stopped fighting. (I hit him hard enough to stop him, not hard enough to smoosh him!!! I might be freaked out, but I am not dumb.)
(What else what I supposed to do?? Sorry, animal lovers!!)
I was traumatized for life! I called Ike and I was horrified. I cried and cried. He told me he'd remove "the body" when he returned home. And he did. MY HERO!!!
To this day, I hate the little me serious heebie jeebies just thinking about it. They are just sooooo nasty!!!!!
When we moved out of that house after our 1 year lease, we didn't have to deal w/ mice until years later.....
UNTIL......we got mice in the garage in our house in Broken Arrow. I didn't like it, but I couldn't figure out how to figure out how they were getting in. So, as long as they stayed out....I was ok.
But, one day.....they came in........and that was it......I was furious!! I turned into the MOUSE NAZI!!! I saw one run on my kitchen floor (the room directly next to the garage.)
So, me, being the levelheaded mouse hater I am, I went to the store and I bought enough glue mouse traps to make a continuous border around the perimeter of the room. I layed them side by side, until they made a continuous circle. I even thru in a few wooden, snap traps on the other side for good measure. Then, I used the mesh baby gates, to prevent them from leaving the kitchen at the two doorways.

And, I waited.........
***WARNING: Due to the concern of one my friends and dedicated reader of ~therealroxann~ ...the following picture has received a "D" rating for DISTURBING......
DO NOT SCROLL DOWN TO THE NEXT PICTURE IF YOU ARE DISTURBED EASILY!!!!!!!!!!!**** was not long before I was rewarded w/ this......
Oh, Jamie. You know better than to read the horrific stylings of ~therealroxann~ right before hitting the hay!! Maybe I should add a "R" rating for Violence on this post.....
I know exactly how you feel - we have something living in our attic right now and it sounds big - probably a squirrel but we haven't gone to get a trap yet. When I was a kid I lived in Macon, Georgia. We had a pool and if we left wet swimsuits/towels on the floor, we would wake up to a trail of ants. I guess it was so hot and dry outside, they could sense the moisture and find it. Needless to say, my mother would be furious!
Ick, Ick, Ick, Ick, Ick, Ick, Ick.
I need to take a shower now.
LOL.. OMG, that was a great story! I am a HUGE animal lover but agree with you on the mouse issue! Nasty Critters! Loved the warning!!! LOL
Ok, I hate birds, but I HATE MICE even more.
I was working in Tampa for a few months and was staying at a house owned by my employers.
They had BIG mice. I mean BIG.
One ran over my foot one day while I was in the kitchen. I screamed.
Ewwwwwwww, so gross.
OMG youre a mouse murderererererer!!! ROFLPIP. ok for the record - me, who spent 15 years in south florida is the #1 "palmetto" bug hater in the world. and boy --- that inspires a blog entry that you are just going to die over. as for mice - i traded in my palmetto bugs for field/feild (lol) mice - but I live in teh country and i've pretty much come to the conclusion that they aint going away. I just should have listened to everyone when they said dont get rid of your barn cats. cats are at the top of my hate list, but they were all right. i never lived in the country before - so how would I know??
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