So, I'll share w/ you some of my latest work. Be forewarned, although I have a kick-booty camera...I suck at this taking pictures of pictures/layouts crap (the real reason I don't submit anything - what a time waster!) Sorry for the lack of quality of some of these photo's. They are more gorgeous in person!
Ok, so for those who are counting....these are J's b-day layouts from when he turned 4! (quick math...he's 8 YES, I AM 4 YEARS BEHIND IN HIS ALBUM....please don't rub it in!)
Anyways, I am not a believer of one page for a birthday, I scrap the WHOLE story! (is anyone reallllly shocked by this?) So, I present, the 5-page bday layout.....
A little explanation about page 3 of the 5-page layout. It has a double-pullout in a pocket.
Well, those babies pull-out from inside the pocket-page and have more birthday present opening pics and the gift list!
Now, this is definately the FUNNIEST layout I'm posting!!! This Bibleman dress-up suit was a gift from my brother, the minister. My kids *love* BIBLEMAN!!! They think he *RAWKS* !! So, anyways, the child was dying to dress up, so instead of going potty before hitting the bathtub....guess what he did?! Yep, NEKKID BIBLEMAN!!!!!
So, what's any mom supposed to do?! Well, grab the camera, of course!!! What better way to blackmail them when they're 15????
Yep, I cracked myself up w/ this one! Nothin' like censoring w/ superhero slogans!
And I know I'm partial, because after-all, this is my work. But I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this layout!!!! I am just really happy how it looks......
Would you have known that if I hadn't just told you?? (Well, Jamie would, she's seen the first layout.....)
It's Halloween pics. They aren't that great. But, it's an album for a have to put them in.
So, I did.
It's cute.
It's simple.
I actually like it.
But, he LOVED IT!!!!
(this is why I scrapbook!!!)
Ok, here's another fine example of bad photography of a good layout.....sorry about the serious glare issues!
Anyway, I did a bunch of doodling on this one. Elsie doodles cuter, but these are just the kind of doodlie-doos I used to do at my desk as a girl when I did "wrong" scrapbooking. (what I mean is, I have been a scrapbooker since I was about 11, I just used the wrong materials, such as magnetic albums and materials that won't last. But I was forever stealing my mom's pinking shears to cut up photos and put them in my magnetic albums w/ cut outs of shapes and marker doodles.....
Ok, this last layout is from Christmas 2002. The pics crack me up of the UGLY Christmas tree decorations. I had Griffin on Nov. 13th and we always put up the tree the day after Thanksgiving, so since I had a 10 day old baby....guess who decorated the tree?? A 4 yr. old and a 6 yr. old. Notice, no high decorations!!! Ha ha!!!
Ok, well, since blogger has been a pain while uploading all these pics, it's taken WAY WAY too long. I'm off to bed.....
Let me know what you think of my latest works..........
Oh that's soooo cute - I love the Bibleman l/o. His future girlfriends/wife will love it too!! :) We miss you girl! ~Teeny
You've been busy! Love all the pages. Matthew just got a Bibleman DVD for his birthday but they haven't watched it yet, Jensen's inspired me!! Great job!!
Those are awesome! I especially love the WHAMMO! censoring, great job!
PS...that last comment was from me, The Girl from Canda. I just finally got a blogger account and started my own blog.
I linked to yours if that's okay!
You da bomb baby! I think Kristine and I are gonna run away next weekend and do some scrappin' with Jill and Deiha up in SC. So maybe I'll actually get some pages done. :)
I love them!!! Especially the bible man!
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