Saturday, January 12, 2008

post office, update....

Well, it appears they have lost it.

Completely and totally lost it!

I talked to my DT coordinator tonight and it did not show up today.

So, guess what I'm gonna be doing in a day or two.
Yep, re-doing it.

That's ok, though,
I want people to see it!

Darn post office.


Tam said...

Sorry hey maybe it is still a chance that you may get it back or they may get it!!! I feel so bad for you. I know! After this years Christmas and things coming through the mail. H b-day is Sun and I ordered him something on DEC 30 and guess what...B&N said is shipped on 1/6 and I still do not have it. They sent I have talked 2 times with B&N and I have to wait 10 days. So today I am going to buy other B-Day presents because I got to have something!

Anonymous said...

This is truly one of a scrappers nightmares isn't it? Oh that sucks!!! Well...good luck with the recreation, at least you don't have to come up with the original idea again...always the hardest part. Go get 'em tiger! :)

Anonymous said...

What a freakin nightmare!! I'm so sorry Roxy! I just hate that for you! I hope it will show up.

I'm sure the second one will be just as beautiful as the first one!

FlipFlop Mom said...

That is sooooooooo FRUSTRATING!!! I'm so sorry!!!

FlipFlop Mom said...

That is sooooooooo FRUSTRATING!!! I'm so sorry!!!

Unknown said...

I cant believe after all that, its lost!

at least you took a picture~~~~~!

KTluv said...

Awwww I am so sorry Roxanne. I hope that it shows up. I ordered some books on Jan 1 and still haven't gotten them. Apparently the USPS sent them to Greensboro NC. Well, I am in Charleston SC What's up with them these days???

Tam said...

Hey I checked GGEEE I am a winner!!!! That rocked! I am so excited!

My Art

