Monday, January 14, 2008

It's a miracle!!

I can't believe it, but not only did I get this email from my *sweet* design team coordinator, Yvonne.....

Yvonne Busdeker to me
1:29 PM (9 minutes ago)

It was a good mail day - I have the card. How stinking cute!!! Great job.

No stressing now!


But, she warranted it important enough to give me a phone call to let me know, too! (with a super sweet message about how much she loved it!)

I'm sending the USPS my therapy bill!! :D

PS....It's been 10 days since I mailed it. Priority. (no, I'm not sure how many times I'm going to point that out!)


KTluv said...

Yay!!!!! Congratulations!!! I know that is such a relief. Now if only my books would come. Can you send some of your mojo this way???

Kara said...

girl!! i so hear ya!! i was just chatting with Grace's dad on YIM about her Christmas gifts. which they mailed (well his wifey) from Ohio before Christmas and they are not here....
freaking USPS!!!

Tam said...

Hey I am glad it got there!!!! I can not wait to stalk your gallery and check it OUT!!!!

H is sick...ugg

FlipFlop Mom said...

Girl... I would take my fanny down to the PO and make a complaint.. it might not get you far.. but YOU WILL feel better after!!! SOOOO GLAD she got it and alls well!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...that was horrible! Good thing they postmark that stuff. I would complain online and tell the postmaster where you mailed it from. B-T-w - you still reading my blog? I never get any comments anymore from you...and as I recall you get mighty upset when we don't comment. *sniff* sniff*

Tam said...

Hello...Just stalking you and I hope you are just sitting around all cozy in your PJ's relaxing from the stress the PO caused. GO drink Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!

Kerry McKibbins said...

Man, I hate when things get lost in the mail. I had a similar problem with a card I sent to a mag. I'm glad everything worked out!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear it finally arrived!! :)

Tam said...

Hello it is the middle of the morning and I was up and decided to stalk your blog....hey it was stalk you or eat something very bad for me...see blog stalking stops me from these late night binges. The little beasties on my is saying blog and the other is saying eat......BYE THE EAT ONE IS WINNING...TALK TO YOU SOON

Anonymous said...

What a relief!!!! So Glad. I know you were stressing!!!!!!

My Art

