CKC - Hartford, CT
Oct. 1st - 5th, 2008
Scrapbooks 'n Stickers Booth
Hartford is so beautiful. I really am loving the New England states. They are really filled with so much beauty.

As we were coming in for our landing, I couldn't help but snap a few pictures out the window of the airplane.
I have to admit I was a bit disappointed because I had expected some better color, but after talking to the locals, I'm about 2-3 weeks too early for the really good color.
Once I was at the baggage claim, Aly was there waiting for me!
We hugged hello and went to hail a cab.
(geez, I feel so New Yorker!)
I had to snap this pic of Aly and I in the cab,
because I've not been in a cab since I was a small child (and I don't have a picture of that, I just remember doing it once on the way home from the airport in Tulsa.)
The Scrapbooks 'n Stickers booth looked really nice. I am really in love with my Bind-It-All section. I seem to have it down to a fine art now.
And more booth pictures....
Yummy Fancy Pants!
And KaiserCraft....
(with Aly and Alex Ann!)
After my class on Friday, Angie from Boxer was the next teacher in my room. So, I had to get her to take a photo with me!
She's such a nice girl! She and her mother work and travel together and I've had the pleasure of getting to know them while traveling this year. Angie's teaching this dog bone chipboard album class that is just so stinkin' cute!!!
When I came out of my room after class (and wasn't in such a hurry) I noticed the fantastic view out the window in the upper floor of the convention center. I told you it was pretty!

After that it was back to the booth to take on my role as the Bind-It-All Queen! Ha ha!
Well, during explaining the fantastic features of the Zutter Bind-It-All...I made some new friends. But, I can honestly say this story is abou the funniest thing that has ever happened during my demo-ing. These girls were thinking of getting a BIA and they wanted to know if it would punch a clipboard. (which of course is a wood) Well, I went and got a piece of clipboard and let them try it. Well, they were so impressed...they could not believe that it could cut it. So, she wanted to see if it was really hard.....and she cracked it in half!!! (But, she didn't mean to. It embarrassed her. It surprised me. And her best friend really gave her a hard time!! So, they decided to use the 2 halves as keychains. (after all, we've already punched the holes in it with the Bind-It-All!)
So, we decided to take it all the way, adding Best to one half and Friends to the other half!! And of course, they broke off a piece for me to keep!!! Ha ha ha!
(Hi Nancy and Lisa!!!)
And then, they bought the Bind-It-All!!!!
(of course they did!!)
The next day before we left, we received
the sweetest thank you card
from some ladies from the crop the night before....and look what is says on the inside......
....ahhhh, how nice is that?!? Thanks, Ladies!!
Now, when I travel, I often don't have time to shop and when I do, I am often looking for something specific. Now, you know you are a scrapbooking sicko when you get super-excited over
your purchase at the convention and it's THIS!!!!
Yep, it's an entire box of Kokuyo Dot 'n Roller refills!!
(I'm sick, I'll tell ya!!!!!!!!!)
So, that was my purchase 5 minutes before the show closed!!
The next morning, (Sunday) I caught my flight home. It was early, really early! And I got this shot before landing in DC.
How pretty is this photo?!
And then, when I was on the ground in Washington, DC...I looked out the window at the airport to see the Washington Monument!
(See it thru the fog?)
How cool is that?! I was so moved, I almost wanted to miss my flight home and go sightseeing instead! I've always wanted to go to Washington, DC and now I know I must go there someday!
And I really want to take my family to see it.
Anyway, Hartford was a blast, but I was glad to go home for 2 days before I started it all over again! I leave for the next CKC on Wednesday!
Oct. 1st - 5th, 2008
Scrapbooks 'n Stickers Booth
Hartford is so beautiful. I really am loving the New England states. They are really filled with so much beauty.
Once I was at the baggage claim, Aly was there waiting for me!
We hugged hello and went to hail a cab.
(geez, I feel so New Yorker!)
I had to snap this pic of Aly and I in the cab,
The Scrapbooks 'n Stickers booth looked really nice. I am really in love with my Bind-It-All section. I seem to have it down to a fine art now.
Yummy Fancy Pants!
After my class on Friday, Angie from Boxer was the next teacher in my room. So, I had to get her to take a photo with me!
When I came out of my room after class (and wasn't in such a hurry) I noticed the fantastic view out the window in the upper floor of the convention center. I told you it was pretty!
Well, during explaining the fantastic features of the Zutter Bind-It-All...I made some new friends. But, I can honestly say this story is abou the funniest thing that has ever happened during my demo-ing. These girls were thinking of getting a BIA and they wanted to know if it would punch a clipboard. (which of course is a wood) Well, I went and got a piece of clipboard and let them try it. Well, they were so impressed...they could not believe that it could cut it. So, she wanted to see if it was really hard.....and she cracked it in half!!! (But, she didn't mean to. It embarrassed her. It surprised me. And her best friend really gave her a hard time!! So, they decided to use the 2 halves as keychains. (after all, we've already punched the holes in it with the Bind-It-All!)
(Hi Nancy and Lisa!!!)
And then, they bought the Bind-It-All!!!!
(of course they did!!)
The next day before we left, we received
the sweetest thank you card
Now, when I travel, I often don't have time to shop and when I do, I am often looking for something specific. Now, you know you are a scrapbooking sicko when you get super-excited over
your purchase at the convention and it's THIS!!!!
(I'm sick, I'll tell ya!!!!!!!!!)
So, that was my purchase 5 minutes before the show closed!!
The next morning, (Sunday) I caught my flight home. It was early, really early! And I got this shot before landing in DC.
And then, when I was on the ground in Washington, DC...I looked out the window at the airport to see the Washington Monument!
How cool is that?! I was so moved, I almost wanted to miss my flight home and go sightseeing instead! I've always wanted to go to Washington, DC and now I know I must go there someday!
And I really want to take my family to see it.
Anyway, Hartford was a blast, but I was glad to go home for 2 days before I started it all over again! I leave for the next CKC on Wednesday!
What a jet-setter you are!! I'm glad you enjoyed CT. I love New England too, so so pretty. (NH is awesome!) Looking forward to hearing about your next trip!
Oh girl, thanks for letting me live vicariously through you...I really need it this week! Great da bomb lover girl!
OOOO DC.....DC is my area when YOU want to go there...JUST let ME KNOW! I agree with Jamie we are living vicariously through YOU these days as I have not left the STATE of GA for a flippin long time now....HMMMMM
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