Well, when I told my boss that Ike was going to Vegas....she thought I should get to go.
SO.....she bought me a ticket to go from Kansas to Vegas.....and Vegas to Mesa!!!
So, now I go to Vegas on Sunday and fly to Mesa on Thursday morning!
I can't wait!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! out we come!!!!
Wow, she really IS awesome!! I've never met her and I think I love her!! And the deal she's got goin' on is awesome. I've been thinking about one and I seriously think I can't resist now...Thanks Kim!! And thank YOU Roxann! :)
I am in Shock and Awe of YOU! You get to travel and even get to honeymoon with YOUR husband! R leaves for the UK On Sunday and then in June he will be in Indiana, then in Sept back to the UK and OH Oregon for a Month. I am so so so very Happy for YOU! The Bind thingy sounds Great and all if I even had a crafty little bone in my pinky I would get one but that is so so so not me. I have a hard enough time with just lol Kuddos to YOUR boss for the ticket!!!! She is a dream boss!!!!! She Rocks! Did I mention how happy I am for YOU! See me smiling!!!!
Hey there! It's your step cousin Laurie. Remember me? If you are coming to Las Vegas I would love to get together with you while you are here! It has been waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too long! Email me at
Cool! When you hit the big jackpot remember your old friends in Tulsa! :)
Have fun!
Okay, a couple of thoughts here...
#1) I'm gettin' pretty sick of this Kim chick trying to take my place as your all time favorite boss. I'm gonna have to give her a whoopin! (Okay, not really...she is pretty dang awesome isn't she?)
#2) You DID say Ike's 'fixed' right? 'Cause I know y'all will be playin' some poker in the dark right??? Right???? RIGHT???? ;)
"Poker in the dark..." I love it...
Actually we'll be hanging a sign out front that says "Liquor in the front... Poker in the rear..."
Think about it...
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To Big Daddy Walker....that is funny! I totally got IT! Of course I would though! LOL
TOOO Funny!!!!!
Actually BDW, I thought it was the other way around...! ;) Hey, whatever you're into...what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!
Hey! Don't I get a say in this?!?!? ;) ::wink, wink::
OMG! SO how was Vegas!! Will it ever be the same?? Did you go shopping (kind of sucks at those prices) How about the shows??
I think we need a girls weekend in Vegas.
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