Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fantastic Fall is here.....

This is one of the things I missed so much while living in Georgia. In Georgia, the weather fluctuations are so mild, that there is very little difference between the seasons. (except for Summer where it's hot as hell!)
It was so weird because most of our trees in Georgia were the super-tall log cabin pines. But, with pines....they are ever-green, of course. So, we never got the spectacular color I am enjoying so much this Fall........ Enjoy!
This is looking out from the front of my house.....
....some of the trees are bare. But, most are full of color!


Anonymous said...

It's so amazing all the different colors leaves change into! Great photos.

the real ~Roxann~ said...

Thank you....just quickies, really. And in the first picture, my neighbor kid is in the tree!! :)

Tam said...

Ah Fall....I miss the smell as much as the leaves changing color. That crisp morning smell.

FlipFlop Mom said...

Our Fall is gone... and now we have moved on to FREEZING.. LOL LOL

EFW said...

Walkers - Have a great Thanksgiving! The MED&J are headed to Indiana tomorrow to Terri's. I'll tell everyone hi from you guys!

KTluv said...

Hi Roxann. Just wanted to let you know that I have been a bad commentor but still reading. Love the fall colors. You are right, we don't really get that a lot down here. Enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Great pics!

My Art

