When I went to take my dog out this morning, I was surprised to see the moon. The sun was up (as you can see it shining on my neighbors house) and just above the trees was the biggest, brightest FULL MOON!
It was very beautiful and peaceful.
It's cold this morning...49 degrees. But, it's forecasted to be 79 degrees by this afternoon. To be honest, I hate this particular time of year. Why? Because you have to dress for cold in the morning and hot for the afternoon, which warrants both sets of clothing to be out for each child! I cannot keep up with the laundry, nor do I have the bedroom storage for everything to be out at once! And, it drives me CRAZY!!!!!
Anyway....it's shaping up to be a busy one. I have *super fun* scrapbooking projects to finish up for The Paper Mill Store.com and get sent in. So, be looking for those very soon on the blog.
I have a lunch date with a new friend today. Exciting, but I am nervous, too. This girl's hubby works for Big Daddy and she's currently on maternity on leave. So, we decided to do lunch. The funny thing is...why am I nervous? Well, because I want her to like me, of course. But, my husband is her husband's boss....so shouldn't she be nervous?! (now that I think about it, I bet she's nervous, too.) Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to it. As I've mentioned before...I am very lonely here. (although, I love it here!)
Then, there's tomorrow. Tomorrow, I am having some female surgery. NOT looking forward to that at all. Because I. AM. TERRIFIED. IV's. Anesthesia. Possible complications. Side effects of all of the above.
I wish I didn't have to do it.
So, say a prayer for me. (and Big Daddy, too. After all, he's gonna have to deal with his anxiety-ridden freak of a wife tomorrow --and probably tonight-- while I am dreading having to do this)
I might be missing in action for a few days....but, I'll try to check in to let you know I'm fine.