I had a little girl who had completely convinced herself into believing that she was not going on an airplane, no matter what. She was scared. She kept saying, "I'm going to Aunt Sis's house, but I am not going on an airplane." We kept trying to prepare her what it would be like, but no matter what...Marinne was convinced she wasn't doing it. That is, right up until we arrived at the airport and had this airplane...
"THAT'S the airplane I'M GOING ON!"
(sure, baby...whatever you need to believe!!! ha ha!!!)
And that was all she needed. The up close and personal and she was ready to go. She spent our "wait time" watching the planes come in and out.
They were WAY EXCITED, but she was still a bit nervous, too!
Once we decided who was sitting with whom, it gave me time to drag out the ol' camera and snap some pics.....
And then, we were off.....heading toward the runway.
Griffin and Marinne pulled out the Safety Card and paid attention to what the Flight Attendent said. (I did not tell them to do this.)
Believe it or not, Griffin took a nap. And Marinne spent most of the time doing this. She just loves these "Kitty, Puppy, Safari in My Pocket" toys!
(obviously the stern talks/threats did work!!!!!!!!)
And then, we were in North Carolina!
(but did not get to Sis's house in Salisbury until after Midnight!)
(yawn....very LONG day!)
Before we left town, I had a deadline....I got the project done and I loved it. But, I didn't have time to take the photo's. So, I threw it in the old suitcase and decided I'd do it in Charlotte. (like I've had to do a million and one times!) But this time, it did not go as planned.
Sometime, in flight, an entire bottle of hairspray I packed in my suitcase for Marinne's wedding hairdo, exploded in my suitcase! WHAT A MESS!!!
And my poor project and the beautiful wedding card I made for my niece were both in the firing line!
(but thanks to Big Daddy's fantastic photoshop skills, it appeared on the TPMS Paper Crazy blog in FINE FORM!!!! WOOT, Big Daddy!)
Anyways, on to the wedding.....we did all the normal stuff.....
Up first on the list.....
Simple, right?!?!
(After all, I did wait until only 4 weeks before said wedding to take all the kids to be fitted, so no one would outgrow jackets, vests, shirts, pants or shoes. We took them to the "big" store in Tulsa to have it done. Although, Big Daddy had his measured here in Kansas. And he did his only 2 weeks before the wedding..... ya know, the schedule of the New Director puts Tux Try-ons pretty low on the list of stuff to do!!!)
Well, you'd think it would be simple.....
We got the 4 tuxes and headed to the fitting rooms, taking up the whole place ourselves!!! Logan in one room, BD in one room and me with Griffin and Jensen and Marinne in the last room.
Well, I knew we were screwed the minute I unzipped Jensen's tux bag and found pants that were size 5T - Griffin's size. (but, I just figured they switched the names....) So, I reach over and unzip Griffin's tux and pull out the pants......WHICH ARE THE EXACT SAME SIZE AND LENGTH AS THE ONES IN JENSEN'S TUX BAG!!!!!!!!!!!! (Jensen boys size 9!)
I said, "Ike, we have a major problem in here!"
So, I call the girl over and show her and they start freaking out.
She starts asking me dumb questions....
"...did you let the waist out?" (i'm aware of how they works)
"...did you mix them up...." (um...they are the SAME SIZE...DUH!)
And, that's when my patience ran out. We have a wedding in 27 hours and the tux store is a 1 hr. one-way drive. And we now have determined that Griffins tie has a stain and his shoes don't fit.
Jensen's pants are Griffins size and a mile too short.
Jensen's shoes are too small, his pants, shirt and vest are all too small.
Big Daddy's pants and vest are too small.
But, Logan's was perfect....and HOLY CRAP how handsome he was!!!
After a pile of phone calls and some panic....it was finally all re-ordered.
And if you can believe it....they let the legs out of the Griffin-sized tux pants and Jensen wore them....and they more or less worked! Seriously!
So, they ended up wearing the exact same size pants! CRAZY!!
So, we went home (another hour) knowing at 10am on Saturday morning we had to go right back and PRAY that everything gets there and that it all fits! Talk about some stress......
So, Saturday morning, it was back to the tux shop 1 hour away...
...some issues were fixed, some weren't.
Big Daddy's shirt had a stain, but we hid it under the tie.
Jensen was wearing a shirt that didn't fit, but they got the rest worked out....if you count his pants as "worked out." It was more like
making due with what we had to work with!!
And Griffin's tux jacket sleeve, we discovered, was not even hemmed.
(and we paid like $150 for each tux x 4!!!!!!)
Um...ya...we were not happy.
Anyway, yes...we demanded some refund on that!
The Beautiful Bride....our gorgeous niece, Kamryn.
It's so hard to believe that this beautiful, grown-up girl was our flower girl 16 years ago when she was only 7 years old. Now, she's all grown up!
The bride and her flower girl, Marinne.
And as we bought shoes, ruffle socks and talked about the
Marinne would act embarrassed and tell us don't say that.
(like she didn't want to talk about it...)
So, the concern all along was would she even walk down the aisle?!
She did it at the rehearsal, but she stopped part of the way down when she ran out of the few practice petals we gave her. Just stopped. She thought she was done. (I joked we better cram those rose petal in the basket, so she won't stop 1/2way down.) So, we made sure she had lots.
(now it did not help matters that Ike joked that if she had "left overs" she should just dump them out up there...I could have killed him!!!)
And when there are actually people in the church, well, that ups the odds she might freak out and not do it. After all, she's only 3.
We shall see, we shall see.....
It's showtime!!!
Logan was in charge of gifts.
(and spent the wedding helping his dad video the wedding)
Jensen was in charge of the guestbook.
Now, this is funny. While preparing him for his job, it was discussed that their might be certain family member who we really wished wouldn't be at the ceremony, but definitely would be there. So, as this was discussed, Jensen joked his job would be to keep them out.
He had his spiel down pat.
(to the guest we wish was not there...)
J: What's your name?
guest: Mr. XYZ
(checking list)
J: Sorry, not on the list....go to the end of the line.
Or this one:
J: Hello. Name?
guest: Mrs. ABC
J: Thank you for coming. Would you please sign the guest book?
Bottom line, he was a cutie pie and did a great job!!!
Here comes the ring bearer....
(although, she did stop where I was sitting in the front of the church cheering her on....and I had to remind her to keep going up to the front.)
And remember what daddy told her?
When she got up to the front by the Maid of Honor, she grabbed a huge handful of the petals and threw them down! (but it was cute!!)
And as for their time on the stage, Griffin did really well.
(he's almost 6 and can understand the importance,
I was really proud of him!)
As for Marinne, she did great, too.
She was absolutely silent.
But she was....
(well, except when papa was teasing marinne from the front row --
and marinne mouthed "stop it" to him!!
Now, THAT, was funny!
Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Adam Moose...
And here's a picture I snapped of the bat that was flying around the top of the chapel. (see it in the left light, to the right of the light)
I didn't get a chance to take any pics of the kids until the reception.
~Reception Time~
It's just so "her!"
Ike and Roxann
L to R: Griffin, 5 3/4, Logan, 12, Jensen, 9 3/4 and Marinne, 3 1/2.
Beautiful family photo of you all! Sounds like you had a great time!
Btw, I've tagged you on my blog! Check it out when you get a chance.
GREAT FUN and GREAT PICUTRES!!!!! M looks so so so cute!!!! What a princess in that DRESS!
beautiful family pic! I love it! You have such adorable babies...and they're getting so big! I couldn't believe their ages on that last photo. M was just born the other day it seems!
I love the family photo. Glad you were able to get M on the plane.
Stalked over to look at your GREAT family PICTURE!!!!! I love it! That should be ON YOUR CHRISTMAS CARD this YEAR!!!!!!!
What a beautiful family you have girl! Email me when you get a chance or check you PM's girl
Wow girl. Marrine is getting so big and what a cute little princess she is too. You look great too by the way.
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