1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
( I am leaving to go to my work trip today, so don't fret if it takes me a minute to respond. I will respond, I promise!)
All of my memories are of you leaving me so much love on my blog. It's always so nice to have someone who makes you feel like your blogging something actually useful! LOL!
You're sweet!
HMMM Walmart late one night! Teqilla Sunset, Bejing, Shogun, AppleBEEs......all words that spark memories of you! Egret and Falcon! I will not get to post this on blog today....had a minute to stalk you!
Love Shack Motion Potion and sucker feet cats.
Emilie...this started w/ you, so I've already left your memory on your blog.
Tammy...oh, there are so many. All the food places...but you forgot the best one....Houlihans...ummm...creme brulee!
Let's see...Hayden's Bek Il. Us eating at BH and you preggers puking in the parking lot in the rain and me coming back to get you. Parker's birth. Richard leaving. Carters. Richmond Hill. Richard coming home. Hours on the phone.
So much fun.
SANDRA....OMG! HILARIOIUS!!!! I had not thought about either of those things in forever. Super fun Pike parties. Delta Zeta everything. You coming home with me for holidays. Partying! You bought our couch! I can remember bringing Logan to trick or treat at your apartment when he was a baby. Etc., etc. Etc! GOOD TIMES, BABY!!
Bejing house....I put that one there but my mind was screaming rain, puke, hair...lol lol......
Houlihans.....oo yeah!
The little BABY shower..you me and trish....???ooo that was so much fun....we laughed and you were so new in town!!!
Making you cry when I cropped your son's birthday pictures. Your tatoo experience. Savannah Scrapbooking.
Many New Years' Eve and 4th of July get togethers! Good times!
ps- saw Janet at the library the other night!
oh - forgot 9-11-01, when I found out I was pregnant with Josh and we went to El Chico to eat even though Ike made you promise to stay home because we were all so freaked out about the terrorist attacks.
I remember the first time Sherri and discovered you were a "scrapper". You were prego with the little miss and I was one of your nurses taking care of you and that high blood pressure (still have a few grey hairs, thank you).
You were always so bubbly and funny! I love that about you the best!
Oh......one more favorite memory. Who can forget that you were late to your own crop party because you were getting a tramp stamp!! LOL!!!
Okay first of all...I didn't realize this was a educational blog....."tramp stamp"??? LOL love that! My memory was when you were here last at Savannah Scrapbooking and we were taking pictures. I wasn't sure how to use that camera of mine yet so some of the pics were unclear...BUT I am pretty sure its your tongue i got a big blurry pink slimy pic of LOL. Its all in the tude baby!
Seriously? I cannot even begin to narrow this down to one memory...um, I'm guessing one of your finest moments had to be when you charged psycho chick a dollar a foot for the Xyron adhesive...geez, we still tell that story...it's a classic!
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