Meet the GPS....
Meet the hunters....
Meet the "fearless leader" and his hunters....
Now, if your asking yourself, "what in the heck is a geocache?" Here's a short answer. It's a scavenger hunt of sorts. A global scavenger hunt. You see, people hide these "caches" with stuff in them. Then, the register them, listing the GPS coordinates and some basic clues to help you find the cache. Then, you and your treasure hunters take your GPS and search for the cache. There are caches pretty much everywhere.
And while geocaching, we explored more of our city in one day than we have learned the entire 1 1/2 years we lived here. It was fun!
Some beautiful nature shots, and photos of the hunters
taken during the journey....

And while geocaching, we explored more of our city in one day than we have learned the entire 1 1/2 years we lived here. It was fun!
Some beautiful nature shots, and photos of the hunters
taken during the journey....
After following the tricky clues and looking for a good 30 minutes in the humid day....we had to give up the search for this first geocache. Which was a total bummer, because this cache included a diabetes "travel bug" which is a medal that stands for diabetes awareness. Ike really wanted to get this one for me. But, alas, it was not to be today....
So, off to cache #2.
This one was at Mount Hope Cemetary in Topeka.
I have to be honest, I like cemetaries. (I probably think I am weird. I just think they are so peaceful. And my love for them really comes from Bonaventure Cemetary in Savannah.

This was a multi-cache, which means that there are several clues that lead you to other clues that lead you to the cache. Did you follow that?
So, the first clue led us to this tree. The clue had something to do w/ a fork or something like that....see, in the "fork" of the tree.....
A cache can be filled w/ almost anything.
Toys, pencils, coins, jewelry, pins, travel bugs or whatever.
So...we dumped it out and everyone picked something.
A tiny Sketcher photo book for Marinne.
Coins for Griffin and Jensen.
A special rock for Logan. ( he wasn't there, but we didn't want to leave him out.....)
and A breast cancer awareness bracelet for Mommy.
On the way out, I spotted this little angel, looking over the memory of someone.
It kind of touched me....
And our last cache of the day, at a small corner park in our city.
So, I caught this photo of little Missy sitting still, which doesn't happen often!
(this reminds me of a picture I might have taken in Savannah.)
Griffin loves anything green, so we got him this green martian and
left a coin in it's place.
And our final cache was at another tiny neighborhood park.
They had this gate w/ a "W" on it. I love wrought iron gates and
this one reminded me of Savannah, again.
Geocaching, expedition one.......over.
Go try was super-fun!!!
This is so awesome! Our friends Julie and Chris drove from PA to GA and Geocached along the way. I was so proud that even our little town had a few spots to hit! I love that you guys did this!
My boys LOVE to geocache. Their babysitter does it and she even helped them set their own geocache up named "Zac and Will's 1st hide". The Savannah area geocachers get together a few times a year and Dyan took the boys to one. Everyone was telling them they were "famous". So much fun for them!
TOOOO cooool! It looked like lots and lots of fun!!!!!!
Omg, y'all are like the perfect little family on this adventure together. How cute are yOU!! I wish we could do it, but alas...there is no gps in our life. Isn't that kind of required?
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