CKC - Kansas City was *crazy fun* !!!!
Of course, this is my "home show" now that I live in Kansas, so it was fun just for that reason. It's fun when you know you will see someone that you know. And I did see a few people I know from Kansas.
But, I met some new people, too.
First of all, there are all the wonderful women in my classes!
I swear I have never met anyone that wasn't nice since I have lived in Kansas and it was the same way at the CKC Convention! Such nice girls!
Classes were fantastically fun! I just so love teaching!!
The biggest *fun* and the biggest challenge were one in the same. Alex Ann and I worked this show together, just the two of us. (Remember, you met Alex Ann here.) Yes, we had 3 booths and I was in charge completely for the first time. (nervous, I was so nervous!) But, we had trouble finding local help, so Alex Ann and I were on our own. But, we still rocked it! (normally, we hire local women to help in the booth....but this time, we had no one respond to our adds looking for workers) So, AA and I both rose to the occasion and really made it work the best we could. And it was GREAT!
She and I make such a good team. We really work well together and
we just had the BEST time!!! We are like sisters of something. We laughed so, so much! I totally love that girl!!!! cool thing was that we had the BRAND NEW Glue Glider Pro adhesive gun by Glue Arts! This thing is highly sought! And if you haven't seen it... here it is!

How cool is that?!
So, on the first morning of the convention, I'm working in the booth when a lady asks me about the Glue Glider Pro. I turn around to find....
Oh. My. HotDog!!!!!!
Cathy Z is asking me for advice/info about something!
So, after deeming her as ~famous and fantastic~ ...both of which she graciously denied....I told her everything I knew about the new GGPro and she decided she had to have one! (and why not, Scrapbooks 'n Stickers has them bundled w/ the gun, and one of each of the 3 refills for 20% off the total price!) So, Alex Ann took a picture w/ my Blackberry to document my awe!

Another highlight of the KC trip was meeting this fantastic chick!

So, this is Charlotte. I met her online at Scrapbook Nook message board. She is friends with my *bestest girl* amber and therefore, my friend by association. So, I am working, demo'ing Bind-It-All and this cutey-cute girl came over and said, "YOU must be Roxann!" (well, I looked at her and she looked familiar -- so I figured she must have been in my was Charlotte from Scrapbook Nook!) WOO HOO! I was so excited!!!
I was so happy to meet her...and she was so super nice! We are trying to get a time to get together to scrap...and I hope we do very soon!
The most nutso part of the show was that we had a shoplifter. Not just us, but us and 7 other vendors were victims, as well. They got 2 packs of $4 KaiserCraft brads from us. (good stuff, she chose to steal...but reprehensible behavior, to say the least!) So, I am working hard, but all of a sudden I am approached by the head of CK and he asks if I can come with him for a moment. I could tell he was serious, so I was inside sorta freaking out. Well, as I followed him down the aisle, I leaned forward and said, "Did I do something wrong?" He turned and said, "No, we have a shoplifter." Well, if you know me, I really started freaking out. I hate cheating and stealing and it makes my stomach hurt! I'm just such a goody goody, that anything like that gives me a serious stomachache. So, I got the pleasure of identifying our merchandise and then identifying the accused. Then, I had to give the police officers my personal information. And the whole time, the accused is sitting right there, handcuffed in a chair, not 4 feet from me. Showing absolutely NO remorse. Apparently, this wasn't her first time. All and all...a nerve wracking experience. But, it mad me MAD, really MAD.
I worked so hard and on Saturday night, my hands, feet and ankles were so swollen, they looked like this....OUCH!!!
The big thing I learned this weekend was about this:
Obviously, I've heard of The Office. I've seen the commercials. And of course, Ike has seen it a few times and has told me how funny it was. Well, Alex Ann is a huge Office fan, so she was making jokes from the office, that I really didn't get since I have never seen it. So, after hearing her talk about it all week, and knowing that Ike likes it, I bought Season 1 of The Office on DVD and brought it home to him. (after all, his job has been very stressful,so I thought it would be good for him to laugh!) And we got addicted to it. Over then next 3 weeks we watched every season, every episode of The Office.
I thought since I'm just a mom, I figured I wouldn't be able to relate or think it was funny. I was wrong. This show is stinkin' hilarious! So, if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it! Rent it today and start the laugh marathon!
"That's what SHE said...."
Glad you're back, I was getting worried! OMG. You met Cathy THAT is super ool!!
HI there.....NOPE I have never seen the office...HMM is this going to be the same thing that happened with me and Sex in the City? LOL CKC sounded fun all bu the shoplifting thingy...OMG
HI yes the morning stalk of Rox and before nine am at that...LOL OK and YES YES YES IT IS flipin cold in Savannah. IT is never like this...starting with Halloween up to right now I do not remember it being this cold since I have moved here. OOOK anyway hope things are plugging along for hmmm just day at a time slow slow day at a time.......HUGS and MISS YOU LOTS
Sounds like a good time! Glad you had fun! And holy cow! I can't believe how swollen you got! Bless your heart! And we LOVE The Office in the house! Thursday nights are all about watching the office & Always Sunny! Glad it's tonight!
WOW! I make the same post as CZ!!! I am honored. LOL I can't wait for us to get together. :)
I saw you there!!! And then you followed us to eat at Granite City, and then we woke up on the morning to leave and you were in our hotel!!!
LOL I just wanted to say that you are totally fun and it was great to meet you several times and I hope we become great friends!!
Sounds like you are still having too much fun at work! What wonderful adventures at every show!! If you are ever near Savannah, call me, I'll come work for ya!
So desperately needed!!
LOVE this show too!! don't get to see much as Alan controls the "controls", but it sure is great when I remember to record in advance :-)
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