So...yesterday was May 1st, otherwise known as MAY DAY.
The tradition of May Day is to fill a basket full of flowers and then deliver them to the door of your neighbor. But, the fun part is, you hang the basket, ring the bell and RUN!!!
(and the fun part is to not get caught!!)
So, I made a few May Day traditional
(sorry, inside joke...right, Kim?!)
Don't you wish you were my neighbor!?!? Ha ha!!
And in the Spirit of's another little project.
Now, I know the actual "First Day of Spring" was several weeks ago...but you have to remember we are just now seeing blooming trees and the first flowers of the season here in Kansas.
( snowed 2 weeks ago!!!)
YEAH....I still wish every single flippin day you were my neighbor!!!
Those are great, cute, whimsical and just plain creative!!!! They Rock.
Have a great night because my hubs is working all weekened and I bought myself 27 dresses...after the kids go nite nite....I am watching a chick flick and eaten a lot of ice lol lol
Hey when should I send you your other kids????
how cute are those? didn't know May Day was for baskets of flowers. i've always done baskets of candy. lol
but those are awesome... where's mine ho? :)-
Roxann you amaze me! Those are awesome - totally impressive to non-crafty me!
Tam...I miss you, too! I love that 27 dresses movie. I bawled like a baby when I watched it. Did you like it?
Amber...yes, the tradition is flowers. (ya know, April Showers bring May flowers) But, over time, some have transitioned from flowers to chocolate. It figures YOURS would be CHOCOLATE!!!!! :P are so sweet! I miss ya so much it hurts! And you could be crafty if you had time!!!! You can do more than you think you can!
I am watching 27 dresses tonite...I did not get to last nite! since R is at the ball tonite I got nothing else to do!
SUPER cute!! LOVE them.. with my neighbors I can ring the doorbell and walk away.. LOL LOL.. they're like in their 70' 80' 90's... Is that mean to say???
Hey now you have me wondering or don't post?????
wondering wondering?????? LOL LOL LOL we must have been having the same thoughts and dreams last nite! All this crazy stuff running around random in my brain can not be GOOD! LOL LOL LOL
It is 1 am and I am stalking YOU...LOL I should blog but I just want to read everyone elses heheh
I know it is late but just got home.....HAPPPY CINCO DE MAYO!!!!!!
Happy Tuesday! HOPE your weekend was GREAT.
Came here Via Flip Flop Mom.. What a cute blog!!! I love your May Day Baskets.. such a cute idea!
Came here Via Flip Flop Mom.. What a cute blog!!! I love your May Day Baskets.. such a cute idea!
Love the bee!
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