On my mind today has been my home state. Oklahoma. And the 16th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. It hardly seems that it's been 16 years since the day America first changed.
I was teaching in my classroom, when word came down that we were on "lockdown." The concept was there, but we certainly had never had to use it. And it wasn't long before Big Daddy was summoned to the news station and told to "bring a bag" because he was going to Oklahoma City and it was unknown exactly how long he'd be gone. This was one of the hardest things he's ever had to do during his 20 year long career. While he was gone, I was consumed with watching the coverage, 24/7 when I was at home. And I cried. Alot. And I took photos of all the amazing signs all over my town.
I didn't know anyone that died. But, we knew of people who lost someone. And really, everyone lost something that day.
Always remember. I remember.
I didn't know anyone that died. But, we knew of people who lost someone. And really, everyone lost something that day.

I am damn, sick and tired of these damn migraines. Yep, I said it. Damn migraines. I. AM. SO. OVER. THEM. I've been trying to get totally detoxed from Diet Pop, so I have to wonder if that's not part of the problem. Part of the problem is probably weather/allergy related. And lastly, it's probably just me. My lack of good health, overall. So, I did cave today. I had a large Diet Coke from Wendy's and guess what? Migraine gone in an hour. Grrrr!
Today we had a thunderstorm that reminded me of Oklahoma. I really miss a good ole' crazy-ass Oklahoma thunderstorm. The kind that has lots of lightening and thunder.

I feel like I'm drowning in laundry.

I'm dreading going to the dentist tomorrow. Not like some people do, but I have my certain amount of dislike. I never realize how much I hate it until I'm sitting in that chair and realize how I'm gripping the arms of that dental chair like a madwoman. And worst of all....I know she's gonna yell at me. (well, maybe not YELL, but certainly lecture.) Both the hygenist and the dentist. Why? Because I have gum disease. Fabulous. Last time they gave me some special mouthrinse to use to get rid of inflammation. Did I do it? No. Shoot, by the time I get to bed, I brush and fall in. Dead. Tired. So, I'm getting yelled at.
Damn. I just realized I'm out of gas. Forgot to fill-up today. Shoot. And unfortunately, the cost of said fill-up will be something like this!

Big Daddy has to work late tomorrow. Or perhaps, I should say, later. Darn, I hate those nights.
One of my positions is Secretary of the Elementary PTO. And today I looked for like an hour for the minutes I wrote last month to type up for tomorrow's meeting. I had put them in the bag I took on our Spring Break trip, thinking I'd be "ahead of the game" and get them done a few weeks ago. What was I thinking?! Like that would really happen! Ha Ha! And due to my trying to plan ahead, I was behind. Darn it. Luckily, I found them and got that done. Along with 100 ice cream cut outs today. (500 to go) And also 64 Easter teacher gifts. (only have to stamp the tags and tie them together now.
I guess I should tell you that I am not currently traveling and doing my job. Why? Mostly, no work. And my lack of motivation to search out a new job. I loved my job. But, it was a hardship on everyone. But, most of all, me. If you've flown in the last few years, you know why!!

I have a new addiction. Coin Dozer on the iPhone. You know the game at Chuck-E-Cheese, filled with all the coins and you insert a coin and it flips it onto the base and a little "pusher wall" comes out and slides the coins forward and you try to make them drop off the end? Yep, that's the one. Well, now I can play it for free. And I've sucked Big Daddy in, too. I'm embarrassed to say that we each have 5 versions of the game and we have a constant need to "do our Dozers." Oh geez, we need therapy. Clearly.
I'm attempting to get more healthy and lose weight. If you see me or talk to me, encourage me.
It's realllllllllllly hard.

A friend lost her husband last week. He was 41. Four months younger than me. TRAGIC. It's been hard to watch this friend and her children hurt. And I often don't know what to say. I hate that. This is the second time this has happened to me in the past 14 months and both times, I've been at a loss of words. What can I say? Nothing. Nothing is going to make it go away. Nothing is going to make them feel better. And I hate it. Please say a prayer for both of these strong women. KC and DG. Darn, downer again.
If you know me, I am not good at landscaping. Which is ironic, since I am an artist. Well, here's the proof that I am a moron. (THIS IS WHERE HILARIOUS PICTURE OF MY LANDSCAPING WE STARTED GOES.) We started putting in this gorgeous border, not taking into consideration that our yard is sloped. Yep, straight to the side as it goes across. Our border looks ridiculous. And if it ever stops raining, we'll be pulling that out and redoing it with more of a retaining rock. To our neighbors, sorry you have to look at it!
I just took a shower. And as my thoughts distracted me, I conditioned my face. Yes, hair conditioner on face.
I guess it should be silky smooth. But, if I look a little greasy tomorrow, give me a break.
Public Service Announcement: SUNSCREEN IS GOOD. (or perhaps a hat!) Remember, that if you part your hair in early Spring after a long Winter, wear a hat in the sun. And give me a break if you see flakes in my hair. Yep, my scalp is peeling. I know, I'm awesome.
This post is dedicated to my DZ Sisters,
who according to the posts on FaceBook, miss my blog! I was asked to "come back" and that makes me happy!! I love you guys......

And I just realized there was a lot of "downer" to this post. Sorry about that. I guess that's what's on my mind today.
Well, crap, I just deleted the cutey-cute signature, too. Figures.
Glad to see you blogging again!
Elizabeth :)
Oh my goodness. You bring joy to my little part of the world, Roxann. I love you all.
Aren't we all on an endless cycle of trying to be healthy and lose weight? I think it is the over 40 crowd that we are members.
A survey I did of our staff asked the question, What do you Collect? One teacher said, My children's laundry. Guess that too is a universal feeling.
Happy Easter sweet friend.
Ahhhh... all is right in my world again. SO glad to catch up with you. ;)
Love you!!
Welcome Back Rox! You sucked me in to blogging and then you left. I have managed to keep my blog going though slowly.
I don't post much on facebook. I am not a fan of it. I like blogging better..I have no reason as to why I feel this way. I just do.
I have not scrapped in two years..three??? HMMM a long time everything probably has cobwebs on it and I don't know if I will get back to it.
Atlanta may be my new home soon...
Glad to see a post here!!!!! Welcome back!
so glad you're back out here :-)
I'm sorry to hear about your friend that lost her husband - and so wish I couldn't relate ...
thanks for the great laugh - I was in stitches reading lots of this ;-)
chin up my friend - while the laundry pile may not go down any time soon, it really is the "process" that we enjoy - and it gives you SO many reasons to SCRAP)!!
love you!
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